Points to consider about COVID-19 Vaccinations and Group Activities

May 26, 2021

Points to consider about COVID-19 vaccinations and Group Activities

Scientists are still working to figure out how well COVID-19 vaccines prevent vaccinated people from transmitting the virus to others. Once enough people in the community are vaccinated, the risk of transmission after vaccination becomes less of an issue because people will not get so ill if they catch COVID-19. Health experts caution that until the majority of people are vaccinated, we should continue to take other precautions, regardless of our vaccination
status, such as hand-washing and sanitising, wearing masks, ventilating venues and social distancing.

Clinical trials have shown that the COVID-19 vaccines are very effective at preventing severe COVID-19, but scientists don’t fully know yet how much the vaccines reduce transmission of the virus from a vaccinated person to others. No vaccine is 100% effective at preventing the virus, so even if people don’t feel unwell, they may still contract COVID-19 and can potentially transmit the virus to others. Scientists hope that within the next 5 or so months, they will know whether vaccinated people get infected without showing symptoms, and if they
do, whether they transmit the infection to others.

Currently, the evidence is not clear about transmission. People who are yet to receive their first or second vaccination are at more risk of becoming severely unwell or hospitalised if they catch COVID-19. Therefore, we urge you to think very carefully about attending any indoor group activities before receiving your vaccinations as even those who have been vaccinated may still be able to transmit the virus to you if they are carrying it without knowing they have it.

The details of how With Music In Mind will do our best to keep you safe are in the reorientation pack. This must be read, and consent signed that you understand the information. If you have not already received a re-orientation pack, we will provide you with one on arrival at group.