Gentle exercise groups restarting a week earlier than planned

April 30, 2021

Since we previously announced our gentle exercise groups were able to restart, the government have altered the dates for the easing of restrictions. This means that we can now start our gentle exercise groups a week earlier than planned- hooray!

The new starting dates for our gentle exercise groups are:

Thursday 13th May, 10:30-12:00 - Colcott Community Centre, Barry

Friday 14th May, 10:30-12:00 - The Scout Hut, Cowbridge

Numbers will be limited to enable social distancing so please book a space through the app or our website. New members are always welcome to book a place too, so please invite your friends and get them to book a place too! If you have never attended a WMIM group before, your first time is free.

Please note that each week needs to be booked separately, so if you had already booked a place for one of the groups on the 20th or 21st of May but want to attend one of these earlier groups you will need to book a place again.

If you have any problem don't hesitate to contact us. We can't wait to see some of you in a couple of weeks!